School Rules
- Pupils are expected to come to School neat arid tidy. The prescribed School Uniform is to be worn in School and at School Functions by all students and by Students representing the School elsewhere.
- Students must be punctual to School. The school gate closes at 7- 30 a.m. sharp. After the gate closes they are not allowed to enter the school on any account. They must return home on the day.
- Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, regular lack of adherence to School Rules, neglect of home work, disobedience to and disrespect towards members of the staff, any kind of unfair practice either within or outside the school premises will be sufficient reason for giving a Transfer Certificate to the student. Pupils are responsible to the school authority for their conduct both in and outside the school.
- Students who have been absent on the previous day/days must produce to the Class Teacher an explanation written by their parents in the School Diary, which is to be brought to the School every day.
- Any damage done to the school property must be made good by the students responsible or by the class as a whole as will be decided by the authorities. The School authorities can impose individual or collective fines.
- Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities by enforcing regularity and discipline, and by taking an interest in their children’s progress. Parents should check the School Diary, note the teacher’s remarks, put their initials regularly.
- Students are to be encouraged to speak in English at all times during school hours, except when attending the vernacular classes. (Failure to do so may entail imposition of fine).
- The result of the Annual Examination of the Defaulters will not be published.
- Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and personal belongings at school. Parents are requested not to allow cash or costly articles to be brought to school by their wards. All objectionable matter is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized cash/articles found with students will be confiscated.
- An identity card is issued to every student. Students must have updated identity cards every year.
- Students should pay the Annual (Session) Charge and other dues before the commencement of the new Academic Session within the stipulated dates notified at the end of the Final Examination, failing which their names may be removed from the School Register and they have to seek Re-Admission.
- Provision is made for Sports and Athletics. Pupils should participate in games and co-curricular activities when required to do so. They must participate wholeheartedly in all co-curricular activities such as Drama, Quiz, Games, Dance, Art, Music and Singing. Participation in such activities and practice after the school hours/ Saturdays/Sundays may be deemed compulsory. Absence on ground of attending coaching classes/private tuition will not be allowed.
- Any change in the address/phone numbers of the student should be notified to the School Authorities immediately.
- Students are not allowed to bring and park two wheelers or drive a four wheeler to School.
- Electronic gadgets, cell phones, digital watches, toys, video games, pen drive, PSPs, DVDs, CDs, portable audio and video devices or any mass storage devices are forbidden in the school. Students who bring any of the above items are liable to be penalized. It will result in the suspension for a fortnight and a fine. The above gadgets may be confiscated.